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Confused about Academic Assessments and School Entrance Exams? Worried your child is falling behind? Or perhaps you are concerned that their needs are not being met. Our Academic Assessments will ascertain your child’s levels of attainment, strengths and areas for development. We will provide you with an action plan that will help your children reach their goals and help you make the right choices.
Academic Assessments Package includes:
- A phone call with parents to discuss any concerns, goals and personality of the child.
- 1: 1 Assessments with the pupil
- Feedback and Advice session with parents
- A report containing test scores, strengths and areas for development and approximate reading and spelling age
- Personalised Learning Pack
- A follow-up session with Parents to discuss further options including private tuition.
Benefits of Academic Assessments
- Building confidence in areas of learning that may be a struggle.
- catching up on areas of learning that may have been missed
- Addressing and advising on specific needs such as dyslexia
- stretching a child who is finding work at school too easy
- preparing a pupil for a particular test or school entrance assessments such as the 11 plus.
- to gain an accurate teacher’s assessment of where your child is at and what they need to do to improve.
Find out more about School Entrance requirements, our Tutoring Services and how we can support you as a parent.
” The assessments were invaluable. Without them I would never have known where my daughter was placed within her year group and how much she needed to do. With Gaby’s help she achieved her goals and sat her 11+ with confidence. She got into her chosen school and is thriving. Thank you again for everything.’ – Mrs D, Holland Park