
Top 10 Tips to get your children through SATs Week

With SATs fast approaching I wanted to share my thoughts and ideas to help you and your children have a positive experience during SATs week. There is a lot of controversy when it comes to SATs and I have seen first hand what these tests can do and it is not pretty. No one, particularly children, should have to go through so much unnecessary stress. How can we combat this? COMMUNICATION is the key

1. Make sure your children have positive coping mechanisms, understand their emotions and are able to speak to someone, a teacher, parent or carer, about how they feel.

       2.Teachers and parents should instill confidence and reassurance.

3. Keep an eye on homework – is it too much? Does it consist of SATs papers every week? If so this is wrong and boring! – Talk to your children’s teacher about this. Homework should be varied, creative and fun.

4. Make sure your children have plenty of opportunities to play, be creative, and rest.

       5. Tell your children the truth about SATs, which are:

a)  There is no such thing as Pass or fail with SATs – everyone gets different results.
b)  The purpose of SATs is to see how much has been learnt throughout primary
                                     school, not just in Year 6.
c)  SATs Tests are not an indicator of what they will do in later life.
d)  Children should not worry about their SATs tests.
6. Schools may offer H/W or SATs booster club – it is up to you if you want your children to attend these.


7. Make sure children are clear about what will happen during SATs week. Being tested under timed conditions, allowed to drink water, no copying etc.

8. Show your children how proud you are of their efforts which are more important than the  outcome

9. So with SATs week next week make sure your children
a) Enjoy the weekend – rest, play and NO REVISION!
b) Attend breakfast club at school if they want to. This will allow them to have a good breakfast and a relaxed fun start to the day.
c) Have some downtime
d) Offer lots of praise and encouragement.


10. Keep an eye on your children’s behaviour. SATs Should NOT:
a) Affect a child’s appetite or sleep
b) Alter personality
c) Induce panic, tears or disengagement from lessons
d) Be a reason to not attend school


If your child exhibits any of these behaviours than intervention may be necessary. This could be talking to the teacher or headteacher, less homework, extra support etc. Ultimately find out what your child wants and needs.

It is unfortunate that schools do not always adhere to these rules. In my experience I have found that schools and many teachers are more concerned for their reputation and give children a very hard time. SATs unfortunately dictate where schools stand on league tables. It is therefore up to parents to make sure their children are happy and feel confident about taking SATs tests. If stress and anxiety are causing too much upset it may be an idea to withdraw your children from taking SATs. This I believe is allowed.

At the end of the day all children can do is try their very best, and on that note I would like to wish GOOD LUCK! to all Year 2 and Year 6 children taking SATs this month.

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